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The Story text file for a level defines all the localized text it needs. It should be named after the .sp file. For example, the English story text for outpost.sp should be called outpost_EN.txt.

Languages[ | ]

The following languages are supported:

  • English (EN)
  • French (FR)
  • Spanish (ES)
  • German (DE)
  • Russian (RU)

Format[ | ]

Story text files are written in a language called YAML, specified as follows:

Comment lines start with the # character. They are ignored by the game.
Categories are written as a name followed by the : character. Each category contains a set of items.

Each item line in a category starts with


(including the spaces). The item text continues for the rest of the line.

A multi-line item starts with

 - |

. The item's content continues over subsequent lines, but each line must be indented with 4 spaces.

Categories[ | ]

Prologue[ | ]

Has the same function as Briefing, but with one difference: while currently only observable in Cronus Frontier (specifically Ymir Outpost), prologue will display the introductory text without the cutscene. Each item is one scene, with the text appearing as titles.

 - |

Briefing[ | ]

Intended to be used with introductory cutscenes. Each item is one scene, with the text appearing as titles.

 - |

Intro[ | ]

Briefing screens. Each item is one screen.

 - |
    Hello. This is a sample introduction.
    This is a second line of text.
 - And this is another line on another screen.

OGG files for each line in the intro can be included and will play. The file should be named after the .sp file. For example, the second briefing line (not screen) for outpost.sp can have a sound file called outpost_intro02.ogg.

Header[ | ]

This is the summary screen shown just before entering a level. The items are, in order:

  • Name of the level as seen on the Level Complete screen
  • Objective
  • Moon
  • Facility
  • Established (must be a number)
  • Additional Details

Cryotubes[ | ]

The names of each cryotube survivor in the level. Each item is one survivor, and consists of 5 components delimited by semicolons (;):

  1. Name
  2. Occupation
  3. Condition
  4. DOB
  5. Origin


 - Vertigo-1;Senior Pilot;Good;1999-01-01;Moon

Logs[ | ]

Audio logs found in the level. Each item is one log, and consists of 3 components delimited by semicolons:

  1. Name
  2. Date
  3. Log text

BEWARE: Although different logs can have different names, only the name from the first log will appear in the stats screen.

 - Dravis;1999-01-01 16:30;Good luck, material defender.
 - Dravis;1999-01-01 16:31;Dravis out!

OGG files for logs can be included and will play. The format for file names is levelname_log<index>.ogg. For example, the second audio log in outpost.sp should be called outpost_log02.ogg.

Comms[ | ]

Messages triggered by the Comm Message script. Each item is one message, and each line consists of 2 components delimited by semicolons:

  1. Name
  2. Message

BEWARE: Comm message indexes start at 1. A Comm Message script with a SpecialIndex of 0 will not work!

 - |
    GABRIEL KANTOR;Kantor here. Listen carefully.
    GABRIEL KANTOR (maybe);It is now the 2nd of August.

OGG files for comm messages can be included and will play. The format for file names is levelname_comm<index>_<line number>.ogg. For example, the second line of the second comm message for outpost.sp should be called outpost_comm02_02.ogg.

Debrief[ | ]

If this level is not the last one in the mission, Debrief is the Level Complete screen. The text is one item with 3 lines:

  1. Text under "Objective Complete"
  2. First line of text under "Next Destination"
  3. Second line of text under "Next Destination"


 - |
    ETA 28 HOURS

If this level is the final level in the mission, then the text is instead used for ending cutscenes, with one item per scene.

Special Tags[ | ]

Certain tags can be placed at the beginning of a line of text to alter it, including the following:

  • <L> causes a line of cutscene text to display in a larger font.
  • <d1.0> delays a line of cutscene or briefing text. The number can be negative to make the line appear sooner, or even before the previous line.
  • <b1> adds spacing before a line of cutscene or briefing text. The number can be negative to shift the line up instead of down.
  • <i> adds indentation to a line of briefing text.
  • <Q> causes a comm message to display entirely at once instead of slowly being typed out.
  • <#1>play voice file with this number, for prologue, briefing and debrief categories. The format for file names is levelname_<type><number>.ogg where type is prologue, briefing or outro and number has always two digits. For examplelevelname_outro01.ogg.

Multiple tags can be used together on one line, and all will apply.
