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The Challenge Mode data file is a text file containing gameplay information for a Challenge Mode level, including a localized level description, and what kind and how many Autonomous Operators should appear. The Challenge Mode data file should be named challenge_mode_<levelname>.txt. For example, a level called caverns.cm would have a Challenge Mode data file called challenge_mode_caverns.txt

Syntax[ | ]

The first line of the file must always be CHALLENGE_DATA. The last line must be CHALLENGE_DATA_END.
Comments start with // and continue to the end of the line.

Default Challenge Mode Data[ | ]

The Overload Level Editor can create a default Challenge Mode data file. Use the File -> Create CM data file... menu option to generate a sample Challenge Mode data file in your custom level folder (where .sp and .cm files should be placed).

Basic Information[ | ]

Level Description[ | ]

The description text is written on one line, like so:

$desc_english Custom Level Description

This description is shown just before starting a Challenge Mode session, when choosing a starting loadout. Descriptions can be included in the following languages:

  • English ($desc_english)
  • Spanish ($desc_spanish)
  • French ($desc_french)
  • German ($desc_german)
  • Russian ($desc_russian)

Music[ | ]

The following line selects a music track to play in the level:

$music; trackname

where trackname is the editor name of a music track. Refer to Music (level editor) for a list.

Count Boosters[ | ]

The rate at which robots spawn in the level can be increased with these settings:

$robot_count_booster_infinite; 0.0   // affects only Infinite
$robot_count_booster_countdown; 0.0  // affects only Countdown

Higher values mean more robots. Both settings default to 0 but can go above 1.

Robot Groups[ | ]

The allowed robots in a Challenge Mode level are divided into groups. Robots from each group are chosen at the start of each Challenge Mode session to create a pool of robots. For that session, robots are spawned only from that pool.
A group is specified as

$group<number>_robots; <count>

followed by a list of robots.
Groups are identified by their number. Up to 5 groups are allowed.
Count: The number of robots to choose from this group.

Each robot is specified on one line as follows:

$robot; <type>; <frequency>; <difficulty>

Type: The editor name of the robot's type. Refer to Enemy (entity type) for a list. Each type can only appear once across all groups.
Frequency: How often this robot appears relative to others (if chosen).


$group2_robots; 2
$robot; clawbota; 0.3; 0
$robot; recoila; 0.4; 0
$robot; recoilb; 0.3; 0
$robot; cannonb; 0.2; 0.2

Super Robots[ | ]

The Super Auto-Ops used in a Challenge Mode session are chosen from a list at the start of that session. The list of allowed Super Auto-Ops is specified as

$super_robots; <count>

followed by a list of super robot types.
Count: The number of super robot types to choose per session.

Each super robot type is specified as

$super_robot; <type>; <frequency>

Type: Editor name of the robot's type.
Frequency: How often this super robot appears relative to others (if chosen)


$super_robots; 3
$super_robot; hulka; 0.5
$super_robot; recoila; 1.0
$super_robot; gruntb; 1.0
$super_robot; dronea; 1.0
$super_robot; grunta; 1.0

Variants[ | ]

At the beginning of a Challenge Mode session, robot types are either set to always be a variant or never be a variant. The probability that a robot type will be a variant is specified as follows:

$robot_variant; <type>; <probability>

Type: The editor name of the robot's type.
Probability: Chance that this robot type will be a variant, ranging from 0 to 1.


$robot_variant; dronea; 0.5 // 50% chance of being a variant (for one session)

Secret Levels[ | ]

Different settings are used when including a Challenge Mode level as a Secret Level in a Single Player mission. The robot groups, super robots, and variants described above are ignored, and the following settings are used instead:

Robots[ | ]

The pool of allowed robots in a Secret Level are listed as follows:

$robot_secret; <type>; <frequency> [variant]

Type: The editor name of the robot's type.
Frequency: How often the robot appears relative to others.
Variant (optional): Include a value of true to make this robot always spawn as a variant.


$robot_secret; grunta; 1.0; true // always a variant
$robot_secret; dronea; 1.0       // never a variant
$robot_secret; recoila; 0.3

Super Robots[ | ]

Allowed Super Auto-Ops are specified in the same way as in Challenge Mode but with $super_robots_secret and $robot_secret_super instead of $super_robots and $super_robot, respectively.

Weapon Unlocks[ | ]

The types of missiles which can appear in a Secret Level are restricted. Each type of missile can be allowed into the level individually. For example, to allow Time Bombs, include the following line:


Spawn Offset[ | ]



Timer Offset[ | ]



Miscellaneous[ | ]

Headlights[ | ]

Include the following line to make robots spawn with their headlights on:


Notes[ | ]

  • Official Challenge Mode level descriptions are written in UPPER CASE, even though lower case text is supported.
  • If the Challenge Mode data file contains errors, a Challenge Mode session can still be started but with odd effects such as no HUD or no robots appearing.